Saturday, July 12, 2008

Okay im a self confessed core junky! I work for weight watchers and love my job, and am constantly asked where people can get core recipes. I usually point them to the forums but i thought i would also put a collection of recipes and hints here. These recipes came from all over the web, from people i know and from my own kitchen. Enjoy them and gooooo core!

I have always been addicted to fruit so core appeals to me because i can eat it unlimited.
I love my vegies too and i find i eat about 7 points plus a day of fruit sometimes, so i prefer to do core. I have become used to eating fruit and veg between meals, so now its second nature.
Core is such a great way to eat, i feel healthy and my digestion is good. I used to get a lot of heartburn but i never experience it now unless im sick. There are always some kind of fruit or vegetables in season so its not expensive, i just go with seasonal stuff mainly.